At Raphael House our community centres on partnership, inclusion, strength and getting work done. By supporting the school, the community directly engages in our well-rounded and engaging curriculum and promotes activities such as workshops, craft groups, class meetings and lectures. They also take part in celebrating our festivals which build on the seasonal rhythms of the school year.

Te Ropu Tautoko i te Kaupapa Maori Support Group
Bringing together the wisdom shared between anthroposophy and tikanga Māori, on a spiritual level as well as practical, for our children’s education
By learning about each other in a meaningful way we can come together with ease and regularity to celebrate, work, fund raise and at times, solve complex problems. However you are able to be involved, your commitment to our community will enhance the health and well-being of our school.
Ka tū rangatira ai te wairua manaaki
Ina kite te iwi i tōna ake ataarangi
I roto rawa i tōna tino whatumanawa
Inahoki, e puāwai pai ana te ngākau aroha
I roto i tēnā, i tēnā
O te iwi whānui
The Healthy Social Life is found
When in the Mirror of the Human Soul
The Whole Community finds its Reflection
And when, in the Community
The Virtue of Each One is living
There are many ways in which families support their child’s journey through the school. These include:
- attending class meetings
- attending and participating in Festivals
- attending Parent Education sessions
- assisting with class trips, camps and activities
- managing, coaching or umpiring a sports team
- becoming a Class Parent Representative
- assisting with working Bees
- assisting with fundraising
- assisting with the Toy, Craft and Food Festival
- becoming a member of the Board of Trustees or one of its subcommittees,
- becoming a member of one of the community groups including the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA), Te Roopu Tautoko i ngā kaupapa Māori, Adult Education Group or the Toy, Craft and Food Festival Committee.
For information and contact details for these groups please contact the Office.