What is an Endowment?
An endowment is usually a fund which is established to provide an income for the beneficiary. The fund is generally invested for life that is called in ‘perpetuity’, which means there is no time limit, it’s permanent. Only the income, (money earned) is distributed, not the original principal.
Growing our School and Our People
Making an Endowment gift will help us grow our school by providing additional permanent resources on an annual basis. The funds will significantly improve the quality of support we can give our students and teachers and will enhance the school’s future financial well-being.
Gifts to the Endowment Fund are invested by trustees of the Rudolf Steiner School Trust and the income generated supports the Trust’s Special Character Enhancement Fund. Gifts may also be assigned to designated Special Funds.
For Endowment Giving
If you are considering being a donor and would like to discuss how we at Raphael House can best meet your wishes, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.
Endowed and Special Funds
These funds are all restricted. All income earned from the principal of these funds goes directly to supporting special, designated areas.
Examples of Possible Designated Areas
To support teachers professional development
To support recruitment and retention of high quality teachers
To support the enrichment of the cultural life of the school
To support a rich and varied curriculum
To support scholarships for deserving students with financial need
To support students who have distinguished themselves in their studies and are wishing to extend themselves
For further information on supporting a specific, designated area of interest, please feel free to contact us.